***************************************************************************** Converted Cottage for Daz Studio Copyright November 2022 by 1971s ************************** DESCRIPTION ****************************** Converted Cottage for Daz Studio is a wonderful product for your creativity. A great product with lots of details. The product consists of 12!!! parts. You can use them together. You can use them separately. I hope you enjoy! ******************* SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ********************** A computer capable of running the appropriate version of Daz *********************** NECESSARY FILES *************************** This is a Stand Alone product. ************************** INSTALATION ******************************* Unpack DS zip files to Your My DAZ 3D Library *********************** USAGE/LIMITATIONS **************************** All output forms of models (still pictures, animations,etc) are free to use in commercial or non-commercial purposes without any limitations. Distributing or selling models in their original state (geometry files), or as part of another models is forbidden. All of this product's content was created by Sergiy Dobrovolski(1971s) *********************** FILE LIST ************************************** DAZ STUDIO FILES: My Daz 3D Library.. ..\data\ \1971s\ \Converted Cottage\ DS specific mesh and UV files ..\Props\ \1971s\ \Converted Cottage\ Antenna1CC.duf Antenna1CC.duf.png Antenna2CC.duf Antenna2CC.duf.png ChimneyCC.duf ChimneyCC.duf.png HouseCC.duf HouseCC.duf.png LanternCC.duf LanternCC.duf.png Structure1CC.duf Structure1CC.duf.png Structure2CC.duf Structure2CC.duf.png Structure3CC.duf Structure3CC.duf.png Structure4CC.duf Structure4CC.duf.png SurfaceCC.duf SurfaceCC.duf.png TankCC.duf TankCC.duf.png TowerCC.duf TowerCC.duf.png ..\Runtime\ \textures\ \1971s\ \Converted Cottage\ AN1Antenna1.jpg AN2Antenna2.jpg CHchimney.jpg CHpipe.jpg HOboards.jpg HOconditioner.jpg HOdeck.jpg HOdoor.jpg HOframe.jpg HOglass.jpg HOhose.jpg HOribs.jpg HOroofribs.jpg HOroundroof.jpg HOshingles.jpg HOwall.jpg LApillar.jpg LApillarglass.jpg LApolelantern.jpg ST1boards.jpg ST1frame.jpg ST1glass.jpg ST1ribs.jpg ST1roof.jpg ST1wall.jpg ST1woodenwall.jpg ST2glass.jpg ST2ribs.jpg ST2roof.jpg ST2shingles.jpg ST2wall.jpg ST3boards.jpg ST3glass.jpg ST3ribs.jpg ST3wall.jpg ST3woodenwall.jpg ST4glass.jpg ST4ribs.jpg ST4shingles.jpg ST4wall.jpg ST4woodenwall.jpg SUborder.jpg SUsphalt.jpg TAhose.jpg TAribs.jpg TAtank.jpg TOglass.jpg TOhose1.jpg TOhose2.jpg TOribs.jpg TOroof.jpg TOtower.jpg Documentation\ Converted Cottage for Daz Studio.txt license.txt