~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Name: Go Physical for Poser 12 Copyright 2022 - All Rights reserved By: Ken1171 Designs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Please note this tool REQUIRES Poser 12.0.1029 or newer. Thank you for purchasing my Go Physical Python script for Poser 12. This is a Poser Python script that automates the creation of Superfly Physical Surface PBR shaders out of your existing Firefly Poser Surface materials, while preserving the original materials. This allows rendering the materials in both Firefly and Superfly with native support for both. You also get a BONUS PBR metal creator feature to turn 1 or many material zones into PBR metallic surfaces. Main features: * 1-Click Physical Surface materials creation out of your existing Poser Surface materials. * Auto-plugs existing shaders to the newly created Physical Surface root node. * Auto-assigns PoserSurface root to Firefly, and PhysicalSurface to Superfly. * Clear, simple, and intuitive interface with full tooltips information. * Specify which MAT zones you want to affect, or apply to all. * Helper buttons to select all mat zones, none, or toggle the selection. * Option to create a PBR Roughness map out of existing texture maps. * Option to connect only texture maps, skipping Firefly shaders. * Option to apply the process to all conformed items on a figure. * Supports figures, props, and conformed items. * BONUS: Option to turn any material zone selections into PBR metallic surfaces. * Poser native, dark themed panel with optional auto-docking. * The panel persists when switching rooms in Poser. * Smart panel remembers last position, size, docking state, and auto-docking settings. * Built-in PDF manual launcher. Help at your fingertips. Don't forget to add Ken1171_Designs to your favorite vendor list, so you don't miss any new release, sale or promotion. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In order to work you must own Poser 12.0.1029 or above. It will not work with older versions. In Poser, click Help > About Poser to see what version you have installed. The version is displayed on the bottom left corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation Instructions: You can install this Python script in 2 different ways (requires Poser 12.0.723 or newer): 1. If you have the ZIP file: from Poser's main menu, choose File > Install from ZIP archive. 2. From Poser's built-in store: From the library's "Purchase" tab, click the "Renderosity" option. Now locate your purchased Python script tool, and click the respective "Install" button. Once the script is installed, it will show it in Poser's main menu, from the Scripts menu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Usage Tips: * Want to create Superfly PhysicalSurface PBR materials for your Firefly PoserSurface shaders? Just select the item in Poser, and get it done with 1-click! * Please note that Firefly materials lack the necessary roughness/metallic texture maps required by PhysicalSurface. The script can attempt to generate a roughness map out of your existing bump or specular maps (if available), but metallic maps cannot be auto-created. The effectiveness of the auto-generated roughness maps can vary, but it's better than nothing. :) * You have a bonus "Make Metal" button to turn your selected MAT Zones into PBR metallic surfaces using the existing maps and shaders. The dialog allows adjusting the color, roughness and metallic values of your choice. If a color is not selected, the default one on the PhysicalSurface root will be preserved. If the selected materials don't have a PhysicalSurface root, it will be created automatically using the current options. * The script will attempt to set a PBR roughness value out of the PoserSurface specular channel. These values are mostly unrelated, so the script will try some guesswork. This is not an exact science, so manual adjustments might be required afterwards. * Firefly shaders are generally unsuited for PBR use, so the script offers an option to connect only the existing texture maps instead. This option is recommended, and is enabled by default. * When using the option to "Apply to All Conformed", the figure has to be selected first, and only items conformed directly to the figure will be affected. This option is disabled when props or conformed items are selected. * Please note that some Firefly materials may be poorly made, basically plugging a single diffuse texture map to everything. This used to be common in the past. Those might not generate very good PBR materials, and you should adjust the results afterwards. * Special figure areas may need special editing, like for example, eye surfaces. If you don't know how to set up these materials, you may like my "SkinEdit P12" script (sold separately), which can auto-generate shaders for all parts of the figure. After this, you can use this tool to create a PhysicalSurface version of the materials. * When editing the results, Poser only allows editing 1 material zone at a time. You may benefit by my "MAT Edit P12" script (sold separately), which allows editing multiple materials simultaneously, which can be a huge time saver. * The script interface has full tooltips to help understanding what every part of the tool does. * The Go Physical tool is a native Poser panel, and can be freely resized, positioned, and even docked into the Poser interface. It will remember it's last position, size, docking state, and filter settings next time you launch it, and it will persist when switching rooms between the Pose and Material Rooms. * You can open the PDF manual at any time by clicking the Help button from the interface. * Please consult your fully illustrated built-in PDF manual for more details, tips and hints for best usage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ownership Statement: Created by Ken1171 Designs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File List: ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12 Go Physical.pyc install_python.json ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12\Classes GoPhysical.pyc GoPhysicalGUI.pyc MakeMetallicGUI.pyc ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12\Classes\goPhysical AboutHelpButtons.pyc ButtonsHighlightColor.pyc PanelLauncher.pyc PanelState.pyc PoserUtils.pyc RendoProcess.pyc WxDialogs.pyc ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12\Classes\Images btn_About.png btn_DockableOff.png btn_DockableOn.png btn_Help.png ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12\Manual Go Physical v1.0.1 Manual.pdf ..\Ken1171\Go Physical P12\Readme For Go Physical P12 Readme For Go Physical P12.txt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Notes & Copyright This product and its entire content are copyrighted : Copyright 2022, Ken1171 Designs. All rights reserved. You may use it for personal and commercial applications, but you may not, under any circumstances, re-sell or re-distribute this product free of charge or any derivative thereof, in whole or in part. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++