Urban Angels - Adia texture/character package for DAZ Victoria 3 Copyright by Bice/Bianca Neumann and ava_lon/Sabine Schnelting Author: Bianca Neumann/Sabine Schnelting Contact/Mail: poser@bice.de/store@poser-corner.de August 2005 All of this product's content was created by Bice and ava_lon using the following merchant resources: ApoGraphix' Merchant Ressource Cin- Designs Make Up Express Kit Cloth Textures Volume 1-3 by HandspanStudios Eyesentials TotalRealism eyes by victorias Avas Leather Set Tex Guide by Bice Rock your Eyes by Bice Flash Make Up by Bice Fabulous Reflections by edta ***************************************************************** System Requirements: Poser 4 or higher, DAZ Victoria 3 Base head and body morph packages ***************************************************************** Content: 1 face morph, INJ + REM 1 body morph, INJ + REM 1 body texture 5 Mat eyes + 1 natural 2 Mat lips + 1 natural 2 Mat make up + 1 off 1 Mat pubic hair on 2 Mat second skin + 1 off 1 Mat eye contour 4 Mat lashes + 1 default 2 Mat lashe trans + 1 default 5 Mat nails + 1 natural 1 Mat nails shine onn + 1 off 1 Mat pubic hair off 1 Mat skin glossy on + 1 off 1 earring left pp2 1 earring right pp2 1 hip belt pp2 1 lip piercing pp2 It contents *.pz2, *.rsr, *.png for easy use! Hair, figure and clothes not included. ***************************************************************** Files List: \Runtime\libraries\pose \UrbanAngels\ Adia Body INJ.png Adia Body INJ.pz2 Adia Body INJ.rsr Adia Body REM.png Adia Body REM.pz2 Adia Body REM.rsr Adia Head INJ.png Adia Head INJ.pz2 Adia Head INJ.rsr Adia Head REM.png Adia Head REM.pz2 Adia Head REM.rsr Adia Tex.png Adia Tex.pz2 Adia Tex.rsr Adias Eyes 1.png Adias Eyes 1.pz2 Adias Eyes 1.rsr Adias Eyes 2.png Adias Eyes 2.pz2 Adias Eyes 2.rsr Adias Eyes 3.png Adias Eyes 3.pz2 Adias Eyes 3.rsr Adias Eyes 4.png Adias Eyes 4.pz2 Adias Eyes 4.rsr Adias Eyes 5.png Adias Eyes 5.pz2 Adias Eyes 5.rsr Adias Eyes natural.png Adias Eyes natural.pz2 Adias Eyes natural.rsr Adias Lips 1.png Adias Lips 1.pz2 Adias Lips 1.rsr Adias Lips 2.png Adias Lips 2.pz2 Adias Lips 2.rsr Adias Lips natural.png Adias Lips natural.pz2 Adias Lips natural.rsr Adias Make up 1.png Adias Make up 1.pz2 Adias Make up 1.rsr Adias Make up 2.png Adias Make up 2.pz2 Adias Make up 2.rsr Adias Make up off.png Adias Make up off.pz2 Adias Make up off.rsr Adias Pubichair on.png Adias Pubichair on.pz2 Adias Pubichair on.rsr Adias SecSkin 1.png Adias SecSkin 1.pz2 Adias SecSkin 1.rsr Adias SecSkin 2.png Adias SecSkin 2.pz2 Adias SecSkin 2.rsr Adias SecSkin off.png Adias SecSkin off.pz2 Adias SecSkin off.rsr _Eye Contour thin.png _Eye Contour thin.pz2 _Eye Contour thin.rsr _Eye Contour xtrem.png _Eye Contour xtrem.pz2 _Eye Contour xtrem.rsr _Lashes Trans 1.png _Lashes Trans 1.pz2 _Lashes Trans 1.rsr _Lashes Trans 2.png _Lashes Trans 2.pz2 _Lashes Trans 2.rsr _Lashes Trans default.png _Lashes Trans default.pz2 _Lashes Trans default.rsr _Lashes default.png _Lashes default.pz2 _Lashes default.rsr _Lashes gold.png _Lashes gold.pz2 _Lashes gold.rsr _Lashes noise.png _Lashes noise.pz2 _Lashes noise.rsr _Lashes red.png _Lashes red.pz2 _Lashes red.rsr _Lashes silver.png _Lashes silver.pz2 _Lashes silver.rsr _Lips shine off.png _Lips shine off.pz2 _Lips shine off.rsr _Lips shine on.png _Lips shine on.pz2 _Lips shine on.rsr _Nails 1.png _Nails 1.pz2 _Nails 1.rsr _Nails 2.png _Nails 2.pz2 _Nails 2.rsr _Nails 3.png _Nails 3.pz2 _Nails 3.rsr _Nails 4.png _Nails 4.pz2 _Nails 4.rsr _Nails 5.png _Nails 5.pz2 _Nails 5.rsr _Nails natural.png _Nails natural.pz2 _Nails natural.rsr _Nails shine off.png _Nails shine off.pz2 _Nails shine off.rsr _Nails shine on.png _Nails shine on.pz2 _Nails shine on.rsr _Pubichair off.png _Pubichair off.pz2 _Pubichair off.rsr _Skin glossy off.png _Skin glossy off.pz2 _Skin glossy off.rsr _Skin glossy on.png _Skin glossy on.pz2 _Skin glossy on.rsr Runtime\libraries\props \UrbanAngels\ adia earring left.png adia earring left.pp2 adia earring left.rsr adia earring right.png adia earring right.pp2 adia earring right.rsr adia hip belt.png adia hip belt.pp2 adia hip belt.rsr adia lip piercing.png adia lip piercing.pp2 adia lip piercing.rsr \Runtime\textures\Bices \UrbanAngels\ body_shave.jpg head_kajal.jpg head_kajalt.jpg ua_hair_trans.jpg ua_hair_trans1.jpg ua_hair_trans2.jpg ua_lash_bl.jpg ua_lash_gold.jpg ua_lash_noise.jpg ua_lash_red.jpg ua_lash_silv.jpg ua_teeth.jpg \UrbanAngels\adia\ adia_2skin1.jpg adia_2skin2.jpg adia_body.jpg adia_eyesL.jpg adia_eyesL1.jpg adia_eyesL2.jpg adia_eyesL3.jpg adia_eyesL4.jpg adia_eyesL5.jpg adia_eyesR.jpg adia_eyesR1.jpg adia_eyesR2.jpg adia_eyesR3.jpg adia_eyesR4.jpg adia_eyesR5.jpg adia_head.jpg adia_lips.jpg adia_lips1.jpg adia_lips2.jpg adia_mu1.jpg adia_mu2.jpg Runtime\textures\avas\ urban-angels\ urban_blackleather.jpg urban_silver_ref.jpg ***************************************************************** Unzip: Unzip the files directly into your Poser Directory. Files have been zipped from \Runtime path and should automatically install itself into the correct directories. Mac Users must use a Mac Converter on the character pack: www.soft-rabbit.com The props are fitted to the adia head and body morph. With a little scaling it fits also to the standard Victoria 3. If you use some extreme poses, the props need a little scale. ***************************************************************** Using Files: Be sure the figure V3 is select. Then you can apply these files. ***************************************************************** Feel free to write with any questions or problems you might have. Contact/Mail: poser@bice.de/store@poser-corner.de Happy time with this product!