====================================================================== ************************************************************ *Product Name: Chest Bandage V4A4S4 *Copyright 03/31/11 *By: SickleYield ************************************************************ DESCRIPTION: This is a single superconforming chest wrap or bandage for Victoria 4, Morphs++, Stephanie 4, and Aiko 4. It has 7,120 polygons. There are four textures sets: black, white, and bloody versions of each. All textures have bump and spec maps and can be loaded as .pz2 or .dsa. -------------------------------------- System Requirements: PC and Mac compatible Poser 5-8 DazStudio 3.x -------------------------------------- Ownership Statement: All of this product's content was created by SickleYield. You have the right to use this product to create 3d renders and animations but not to edit or redistribute the cr2, mesh or texture files. Please see enclosed full license. -------------------------------------- Needed Files: Victoria 4 and/or Morphs++ and/or Aiko 4 and/or Stephanie 4 -------------------------------------- Installation Instructions: Unzip to your Poser or DAZ/content directory using a program such as 7zip or Stuffit for Mac users. -------------------------------------- Usage Tips or Limitations: The unwrap morphs mostly will not work well at values less than 1. Be sure and note the other morphs for fixing pokethrough under the "Fixes and Extras" heading. -------------------------------------- Files Included in the Product: Runtime\geometries\sickleyield\bandages: SYBBandageV4.obj Runtime\libraries\character\SickleYield\Bandages: Chest Bandage V4.cr2 Chest Bandage V4.png Runtime\libraries\pose\SickleYield\MAT Bandages: Chest Bandage Black Blo.. Chest Bandage Black Blo.. Chest Bandage Black.png Chest Bandage Black.pz2 Chest Bandage White Blo.. Chest Bandage White Blo.. Chest Bandage White.png Chest Bandage White.pz2 Runtime\templates\SYBandages: chestbandages.jpg Runtime\textures\sickleyield\bandages: chestbandage01.jpg chestbandage01_bloody.jpg chestbandage01_bump.jpg chestbandage01_spec.jpg chestbandage02.jpg chestbandage02_bloody.jpg ======================================================================