Product Name: Valerio for Michael 4 Copyright: April 2011 by Nadine Junghenn aka _Fenrissa_ Contact: Site Mail on Renderosity _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ System Requirements: PC/MAC Poser 6 - 8, Daz Studio 3.1+ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Ownership Statement: All of the content in this package was created by Fenrissa, and may include derivatives of the following merchant resources: All Skin, Eyes, Teeth etc by Peter Levius ( - 'Vladislav' Jeans and Underwear also from Own resources. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Required Products: Michael 4 (Base) from Daz3D, (no additional morphs required) _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Installation Instructions: Please unzip first (e.g. WinZip or another zip-program). You can 1. unzip the file directly into your main Poser directory. 2. unzip the file on your hard drive and then drag the unzipped folder right into your main Poser directory. Manually: All files in the "Pose"-folder go into: Poser/Runtime/Libraries/Pose/... All files in the "Textures"-folder go into: Poser/Runtime/Textures/... You will find your content in the "Pose"-Library: Fenrissa_Valerio. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Usage Tips or Limitations: The package was tested in the Poser Programs 6 through 8; you need the Daz Studio 3.1+ to be able to use the DS Mats. AO Shaders are not optimized for DS, but the results will be beautiful nonetheless. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Files included in the Product: 1 Natural head texture (hair and non-hair-option) 1 Bump map for the head 1 Specular map for the head 2 additional bearded head textures (moustache/goatee) plus bump and specular maps (hair and non-hair-option) 1 Body Texture (Torso/Limbs) 1 Bump map for the body (Torso/Limbs) 1 Specular map for the body (Torso/Limbs) 3 Eye colors + 1 Bump Map 1 Reflection Map 6 Second skin (Torso) + Bump, Specular and Displacement maps (Underwear, Jeans, Shorts) 1 Teeth/Gum map + Bump Map 1 Lashtrans 1 Head INJ and REM for M4 1 EyeFix for M4 All needed Matfiles for Poser and DS Matfiles for Daz Studio. The Matfiles for the Second Skin options have a Remove function also. By default Valerio has the hair textures but the 'NoHair' folder is included of course. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Important Notes: !!! 1) VERY IMPORTANT: From now on you will find two folders in the pose-directory of my products: Fen_XXX_Alt and Fen_XXX_Orig. The 'Fen_XXX_Orig'-Directory includes all my charcters 'original' shaders which I love and use mostly for my own renders. But as they seem to work only with Gamma Correction and are too light for many users after rendering, I have now included an alternate version, thus 'Fen_XXX_Alt'. This time, all my promotional images were done with this shader. All .ds files can be found in the 'Fen_XXX_Orig'-Directory! These 'alt'-shaders should work now without checking the Gamma Correction box and under (almost) all light situations. This should satisfy (almost) everyone's wishes ;) 2) The first step to apply the Valerio textures on M4 MUST BE the following: Apply the !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2. Or the !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2 from the 'NoHair'-folder if you don't want Valerio with hair. The additional textures (eyes, second skins, beards) are "part-textures" - that's why you first !!!MUST!!! load !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2" etc. These Mat pose also helps you to RESET all applied textures. You will find hairless MAT versions too. Please don't switch between the different folders to apply MATs or you will find messed up results (part textures as jeans or underwear can be applied without problem as they only affect the 'hip' material zone). 3) To apply the Valerio character to M4, please use the INJ files: !_Val_Hd_INJ.pz2 or for the Head; Of course, with the REM files, you can remove the Valerio character from your M4 figure. 4) When you inject Valerio's head, his eyes will be affected on the y- and z-axis. That's good ;) Some motion poses will reset the settings of the y- and z-axis if you have not locked the eyes. Use the !_Val_Eyes_FIX.pz2 for easier handling AFTER you applied the motion pose. 4) All Second Skins can be removed with '....OFF.pz2' files. 6) The genital map will look off (due to the transparency map) in the preview, but after rendering it will look as it has to be. 7) Displacement maps can appear too strong for your taste or sometimes look a bit messy. Please go to the material room and reduce the displacement map setting to your liking. Please note: I'm using the render settings Aery Soul provided in their gallery at DeviantArt. You can use these settings either with Indirect Light or without. I'm also using a Gamma Correction of 1,80 or 2,20, just in case you were interested ;). --_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Complete File List: \Runtime\Textures\ApoTextures\Valerio\ VEyes.jpg VEyesB.jpg VEyes_02.jpg VEyes_03.jpg VGSDisp.jpg VGen.jpg VGenB.jpg VGenS.jpg VGenTrans.jpg VGen_02.jpg VGold.jpg VGoldB.jpg VGoldS.jpg VHead.jpg VHeadB.jpg VHeadBrd.jpg VHeadBrdB.jpg VHeadBrdNH.jpg VHeadBrdNHB.jpg VHeadBrdNHS.jpg VHeadBrdS.jpg VHeadMstch.jpg VHeadMstchB.jpg VHeadMstchNH.jpg VHeadMstchNHB.jpg VHeadMstchNHS.jpg VHeadMstchS.jpg VHeadNH.jpg VHeadNHB.jpg VHeadNHS.jpg VHeadS.jpg VLash.jpg VLashCol.jpg VLimbs.jpg VLimbsB.jpg VLimbsS.jpg VRef.jpg VShorts.jpg VShortsB.jpg VShortsDisp.jpg VShortsS.jpg VSilver.jpg VSpeedoB.jpg VSpeedoDisp.jpg VSpeedoS.jpg VSpeedo_01.jpg VSpeedo_02.jpg VSpeedo_03.jpg VTeeth.jpg VTeethB.jpg VTorso.jpg VTorsoB.jpg VTorsoNH.jpg VTorsoNHB.jpg VTorsoNHS.jpg VTorsoS.jpg \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Fenrissa_Valerio\ !_Val_.png !_Val_.pz2 !_Val_Eyes_FIX.png !_Val_Eyes_FIX.pz2 !_Val_Hd_INJ.png !_Val_Hd_INJ.pz2 !_Val_Hd_REM.png !_Val_Hd_REM.pz2 !_Val_zz.png !_Val_zz.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Fenrissa_Valerio\Fen_Valerio_Orig\ !!Val_.png !!Val_.pz2 !!Val_Whole_Texture.ds !!Val_Whole_Texture.png !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2 b_Val_.png b_Val_.pz2 b_Val_01.ds b_Val_01.png b_Val_01.pz2 b_Val_02.ds b_Val_02.png b_Val_02.pz2 b_Val_03.ds b_Val_03.png b_Val_03.pz2 b_Val_04.ds b_Val_04.png b_Val_04.pz2 b_Val_05.ds b_Val_05.png b_Val_05.pz2 b_Val_06.ds b_Val_06.png b_Val_06.pz2 b_Val_AllOFF.ds b_Val_AllOFF.png b_Val_AllOFF.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_.png e_Val_Eyes_.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_01.ds e_Val_Eyes_01.png e_Val_Eyes_01.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_02.ds e_Val_Eyes_02.png e_Val_Eyes_02.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_03.ds e_Val_Eyes_03.png e_Val_Eyes_03.pz2 g_Val_Gen_.png g_Val_Gen_.pz2 g_Val_Gen_01.ds g_Val_Gen_01.png g_Val_Gen_01.pz2 g_Val_Gen_02.ds g_Val_Gen_02.png g_Val_Gen_02.pz2 m_Val_MU_.png m_Val_MU_.pz2 m_Val_MU_00.ds m_Val_MU_00.png m_Val_MU_00.pz2 m_Val_MU_01.png m_Val_MU_01.pz2 m_Val_MU_02.ds m_Val_MU_02.png m_Val_MU_02.pz2 m_Val_MU_03.ds \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Fenrissa_Valerio\Fen_Valerio_Orig\NoHair\ !!Val_.png !!Val_.pz2 !!Val_Whole_Texture.ds !!Val_Whole_Texture.png !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2 m_Val_MU_.png m_Val_MU_.pz2 m_Val_MU_00.ds m_Val_MU_00.png m_Val_MU_00.pz2 m_Val_MU_01.png m_Val_MU_01.pz2 m_Val_MU_02.ds m_Val_MU_02.png m_Val_MU_02.pz2 m_Val_MU_03.ds \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Fenrissa_Valerio\Fen_Valerio_Alt\ !!Val_.png !!Val_.pz2 !!Val_Whole_Texture.png !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2 b_Val_.png b_Val_.pz2 b_Val_01.png b_Val_01.pz2 b_Val_02.png b_Val_02.pz2 b_Val_03.png b_Val_03.pz2 b_Val_04.png b_Val_04.pz2 b_Val_05.png b_Val_05.pz2 b_Val_06.png b_Val_06.pz2 b_Val_AllOFF.png b_Val_AllOFF.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_.png e_Val_Eyes_.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_01.png e_Val_Eyes_01.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_02.png e_Val_Eyes_02.pz2 e_Val_Eyes_03.png e_Val_Eyes_03.pz2 g_Val_Gen_.png g_Val_Gen_.pz2 g_Val_Gen_01.png g_Val_Gen_01.pz2 g_Val_Gen_02.png g_Val_Gen_02.pz2 m_Val_MU_.png m_Val_MU_.pz2 m_Val_MU_00.png m_Val_MU_00.pz2 m_Val_MU_01.png m_Val_MU_01.pz2 m_Val_MU_02.png m_Val_MU_02.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Fenrissa_Valerio\Fen_Valerio_Alt\NoHair\ !!Val_.png !!Val_.pz2 !!Val_Whole_Texture.png !!Val_Whole_Texture.pz2 m_Val_MU_.png m_Val_MU_.pz2 m_Val_MU_00.png m_Val_MU_00.pz2 m_Val_MU_01.png m_Val_MU_01.pz2 m_Val_MU_02.png m_Val_MU_02.pz2 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ If you have further questions regarding this product, please contact me via Renderosity sitemail - I'll try my best to help you! I'm open for suggestions, improvement and critique but please keep in mind that I can not satisfy everyone's taste. I try to be as transparent as possible and want to show you the complete products in my promotional renders. Thank you very much for purchasing my product, I hope you'll enjoy "Valerio for Michael 4"! Best regards, Nadine Junghenn, April 2011